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Growing Courgettes From Seed UK

Growing courgettes easily always been a challenge from seed in the UK. This comprehensive guide covers seed sowing, transplantation, companion planting, watering, feeding tips, and tackling common issues like powdery mildew and grey mould. Discover harvesting techniques and storage strategies. With just one plant, you can enjoy a succession of tender, tasty courgette fruits from mid-summer to early autumn – picking three to four fruits per week in good weather. After the fruit swells, feed with a high potash liquid fertiliser every other night. Dig a hole 30cm (12in) sq deep for best results, and fill it with compost or well-rotted manure mixed with soil before sowing seeds or planting out—sow courgettes in April for optimal growth and yield.

Growing Courgettes In a Greenhouse Watering System

Growing courgettes in a greenhouse is rewarding. It offers protection from weather conditions and extends the growing season. Consider these tips when starting your courgette journey in a greenhouse:

  • Choose the suitable varieties: Opt for compact or bush varieties well-suited for greenhouse cultivation. These types generally take up less space and provide higher yields.
  • Sow seeds indoors: Start by sowing your seeds in pots or trays filled with natural compost. Keep them at around 18- 22°C (64-72°F) to encourage germination.
  • Transplant seedlings: Once they have reached a height of about 10cm (4in), transfer them into larger pots or directly into the greenhouse soil. Ensure they are widespread to allow for adequate air circulation and growth.

Can courgettes be grown in containers, or do they need to be planted directly in the ground?

Yes, courgettes can be grown in containers. In fact, growing them in containers is a great option for those with limited space or who want more control over the growing conditions. Just make sure to use a large enough container and provide adequate drainage for optimal growth.

Growing Courgettes Vertically Flowering

Growing courgettes vertically in the uk is a practical solution for gardeners with limited space or those who want to maximise greenhouse cultivation. You can save ground space and create an appealing display by training your courgette flowers to grow vertically.

 Follow these steps for successfully growing courgettes vertically uk:

  • Select the suitable varieties: Choose compact or bush varieties well-suited for vertical growth. These types have solid stems and produce abundant fruit without sprawling too much.
  •  Prepare a trellis or support system: Install a sturdy trellis into your garden or greenhouse made of wood, bamboo, or metal. Make sure it is tall enough to accommodate the height of your courgette plants as they grow.
  • Train the plants: As soon as your courgette seedlings have established a few sets of leaves, gently tie them to the trellis using soft plant ties or twine to help them grow vertically and keep them supported throughout their growth.
  • Prune and pinch: Regularly prune side shoots on your courgette plants to promote fruit production. Also, pinch off the growing tips once they reach the desired height to encourage lateral fruit growth.
  • Adequate watering: To help your courgettes thrive, moisten the soil and avoid overwatering. Consider using a drip tray system or soaker hose to water directly at regular intervals to the roots and minimise evaporation.

Growing Courgettes in Grow bags

  • Choose the right grow bag: Opt for a large, sturdy grow bag that can accommodate the root system of your courgette plants. Look for bags specifically designed for vegetable cultivation, as they provide the necessary drainage and aeration.
  • Prepare the soil mixture: Fill the grow bag with a well-draining potting mix enriched with organic matter to ensure your courgette receives the nutrients for healthy growth and development.
  • Planting the seeds: Moisten the soil mixture in the grow bag. Then, create small holes about 1 inch deep and 2-3 inches apart. Place one or two courgette seeds in each hole and cover them with soil. Water lightly to ensure good seed-to-soil contact.
  • Providing support: Courgette plants can become large and heavy as they mature, so providing some support is advisable. You can use stakes or trellises to help guide the plants’ growth and keep them upright.
  • Watering and feeding: Courgettes require regular watering to maintain moist soil, especially during hot summer. Overwatering can lead to root rot. Additionally, feed your plants with a fertiliser every other week to promote healthy growth and fruit production.

Growing Courgettes In Pots for Seedling

Growing courgettes in pots can be a convenient and space-saving option for gardeners with limited space. Here are a few tips to help you successfully grow courgettes in pots:

  • Container selection: Choose a large pot with drainage holes to ensure proper water drainage. A 15-20 gallon pot should be sufficient for one courgette plant.
  • Soil: Use a well-draining potting mix rich in organic matter. Avoid using heavy soil that can retain excessive moisture.
  • Sunlight: Place your pots in an area that receives up to 8 hours of direct sunlight daily. Courgette thrive in full sun conditions.
  • Watering: Potted plants need regular watering, especially in dry weather. Most importantly, check moisture levels by inserting your finger about an inch deep into the ground. If it feels dry, water the plant.

Growing Baby Courgettes

Enjoying these vegetable gems’ tender and flavourful harvest is a delightful way. To grow baby courgettes, starting with a suitable variety of plants is essential. Look for types labelled as “baby” or “miniature” courgettes. These varieties are needed to produce smaller fruits.

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Growing Courgettes Outdoors to Sow

To successfully grow courgette outdoors, follow these tips: 

  •  Soil preparation: Ensure well-draining soil enriched with organic matter. Use a bit acidic soil with a pH of 6.0-7.0. 
  • Planting: Start by sowing seeds indoors for 45 days before the last frost date or sowing in the garden after frost days have passed. Plant seeds ½ inch deep, spacing them 2-3 feet apart. Water thoroughly after planting, and consider using a cloche for root protection and germination in a warm environment. 
  • Sunlight: To ensure optimal growth and fruit production, select a sunny location in your garden that receives at least 6-8 hours of natural sunlight daily. Before planting outside in late May or early June, allow the young plants to harden off for 7-10 days after the risk of frost has passed.

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Growing Courgettes in Containers for Autumn Sowing

Growing courgettes in pots is an excellent option if you have a small space or prefer container gardening. Here are some tips for successful container growth: – 

  • Container selection: Choose a large pot with at least 10-15 gallons capacity to accommodate vigorous growth. Ensure it has drainage holes. 
  • Soil and drainage: Use the best quality potting mix enriched with organic matter. Add perlite or vermiculite for improved drainage if necessary. 
  •  Planting and spacing: Sow seeds into the container following the same guidelines as planting in the garden. Ensure to water the plants carefully, ensuring that the water reaches the roots and doesn’t stay clogged around the neck of the plant, which can lead to rotting. It also helps to keep the water off the foliage, reducing problems with powdery mildew.

Best Growing Conditions for Courgettes UK?

Courgettes thrive in warm, sunny locations with well-drained soil. They prefer temperatures between 18-24°C (64-75°F) and require up to 6 hours of direct sunlight daily. The soil should be rich in organic matter and moist but not waterlogged. It is essential to provide them with the best-growing conditions to ensure successful growth and abundant harvest of courgette. Courgette seeds will germinate in a temperature range of 13°C / 55°F to 25°C / 75°F with an ideal temperature being around 20°C / 68°F. Store the pots in a warmish place (no light required initially), and when the seeds sprout above the surface, move the pots into a light position out of direct sunlight; a windowsill will do OK, but beware of cold night temperatures.

Growing Courgettes Pests control from Slugs, Snails, Mildew

  • Regularly check your plants for infectious pests and diseases like aphids, slugs, snails, and powdery mildew, a fungal infection—control pests with natural remedies such as insecticidal soap or neem oil.
  • Introduce beneficial insects like ladybugs or lacewings.
  • Avoid using chemical pesticides to protect the environment and beneficial insects.
  • Reduce the risk of pest infestations by practising crop rotation, removing plant debris, and growing young courgette plants in pots away from potential attacks.

Using peat-free and organic soil benefits your healthy plants and helps reduce CO2 emissions.

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Growing Courgettes in a Cold Frame

  • Grow courgettes in a cold frame.
  • Prepare well-drained, fertile soil and sow seeds or transplant seedlings accordingly.
  • Keep the hard frame closed during colder months for warmth and shelter, but open it on sunny days for ventilation and to prevent overheating.

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Problem-Solving: Courgettes Growing Problems when Planting

When growing courgettes, you may encounter a common problem. Here’s how to address them: 

  • Lack of Fruit Development: If your courgettes need to be fruiting despite flowering, hand-pollination can help. Use a paintbrush or cotton bud to transfer pollen from male to female flowers.
  • Yellowing Leaves: This may be due to nutrient deficiency or overwatering. Check moisture levels and adjust watering accordingly. Apply balanced fertiliser for necessary nutrients.
  • Wilting Plants: Factors like underwatering, overwatering, root rot, damp weather, and powdery mildew can cause wilting in courgette plants. Prevent powdery mildew, a common problem, by spacing plants for airflow and providing adequate water. If root rot is suspected, remove affected plants, trim damaged roots, and replant in well-draining soil. Mulching retains moisture, prevents weeds, and applies a thick layer of compost or manure around plants (leaving a gap at the stem’s base to prevent rotting).

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What do courgettes look like when growing?

When growing, courgettes are tiny green buds that gradually develop into elongated fruits. These fruits typically have smooth skin and vibrant green colour. As they mature, the courgettes can grow quite large, reaching around 6 to 8 inches (15 to 20 centimetres) and harvesting them when tender and relatively petite for the best flavour and texture is essential. To reap the courgettes, cut the fruit at the base most with a sharp knife, taking care not to damage the plant. Continual picking is necessary to keep the plant producing. As you watch your courgette plants thrive and grow these beautiful fruits, address any issues that may arise to ensure a successful harvest.


Growing courgettes from seed in the UK can be a rewarding and fulfilling experience. By following the proper techniques and strategies, you can get optimal growth and a bountiful harvest every time. From indoor seed sowing to transplantation, companion planting, nourishing your courgettes, and problem-solving common issues, this guide has successfully covered all aspects of growing courgettes. Now, it’s time to put your knowledge into practice and enjoy the fruits of your labour. Remember to share your experience on social media after trying the steps above to inspire and help others to start their courgette-growing adventure. Happy gardening!

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