east facing garden

East Facing Garden with Sun in The UK: Benefits & Ideas

Are you considering an east facing garden in the UK? While it may not be the most popular choice, an east facing garden can offer unique benefits and opportunities. This blog post provides all the required information to give you a complete understanding of the topic. Backyards with the sun in the UK We will dive into the concept of an east facing garden, determine if your lawn is an east facing, west facing, north facing, south facing, north west facing garden or north east facing garden and discuss the potential benefits and drawbacks of choosing this orientation. You’ll also discover practical ideas on making the most of your space and which plants thrive best in this environment. Lastly, we will address whether an east facing garden could influence the value of your property and how you can enhance it to boost its overall worth.

Understanding the Concept of an East Facing Backyard Sunshine

An east-facing garden is a green backyard that primarily receives sunlight in the morning and is sheltered from the intense afternoon heat. This orientation has several benefits, such as providing ample sunshine during the crucial morning hours in your backyard. It also allows planting of various plants that flourish better in full sun or partial shade. Using an app to track the sun’s movement can help determine the best placement for each plant. Designing an east facing back plot involves choosing the right plants, like ferns and lilies of the valley, that can handle the morning sun and creating shaded areas for the hot afternoons. Additionally, you can make the most of the direction of your garden throughout the year by planting seasonal flowers and using outdoor furniture for enjoyable mornings or evenings.

The Sun’s Position: An Essential Factor in an East Facing Gardening

This lawn receives morning sunlight, ideal for light-loving plants. Reflective surfaces and raised beds can maximize sunlight and create an optimal environment for plants to thrive in an east facing backyard. Additionally, the sun’s position also affects the overall layout and design of the garden. By understanding where the sunlight falls at different times of the day, you can strategically place seating areas or outdoor structures to provide shade during the hotter parts of the day.

Determining the Direction of Your Backyard

First, use a compass app or map to determine the orientation of your back plot; it will give you an accurate idea of which direction it faces. Next, observe in which direction the sun rises and sets on your lawn. Pay attention to the patterns of shade and sunlight throughout the day, as this can also indicate the orientation of your yard. Additionally, consider any nearby buildings or trees that may affect the sunlight your plant receives. Once you have determined that your plant lawn is east facing, you can see the benefits and design ideas unique to this orientation, such as how your green plants will shine in the morning light.

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Does an East-Facing Garden in the UK Get Plenty of Sun?

An east-facing lawn in the UK receives sunlight, though less direct than a south-facing plot. If your lawn is shaded during the hottest part of the day in October, plant shade-tolerant plants. You can also use reflective surfaces or mirrors to redirect sunlight to areas needing more light. To maximize available sunlight, incorporate reflective surfaces like mirrors or white walls into your lawn design. They will increase the amount of reflected sunlight, making the space brighter and more vibrant.

Benefits of an East Facing Garden

An east facing back lawn brings several benefits to both gardeners and plants. The morning sunlight is one of the main advantages, making it perfect for early birds and plants that thrive in sunshine, such as sedums and snowdrops, as the sun moves westward in the afternoon; an east facing lawn offers cooler temperatures during hot summer afternoons. It makes it an ideal choice for shade-loving plants that require partial shade. Additionally, the morning sunlight creates a tranquil setting for a breakfast lawn, where you can enjoy coffee. Moreover, an east-facing backyard of your house provides optimal conditions for growing vegetables that only need partial sunlight or flourish in cooler temperatures.

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How Can Early Morning Sun Benefit Your Garden?

Early morning sun benefits your backyard during the winter and summer months by providing gentle light that promotes photosynthesis in plants. It also helps prevent heat stress during hot afternoons. Additionally, having an east-facing back plot means the morning sun helps dry dew and moisture, preventing fungal growth. Back lawns with early morning sun exposure during winter may have a longer growing season and produce more fruits and vegetables.

Potential Drawbacks of an East Facing Garden

While an east facing lawns has its advantages, it also has a potential disadvantage – the limited sunlight that an east-facing yard receives. Although it gets the most sunlight in the morning, it may receive less in the afternoon or evening, which can restrict the types of plants that can thrive in this back lawn orientation. On the other hand, a south facing garden gains adequate sunlight throughout the day, making it an ideal choice for various plants, especially those that require total sun exposure. If you’re looking for ways to optimise your plot’s sun exposure, consider using a sun app to track the sun movement throughout the day to learn more about the disadvantages of an east facing garden.

One drawback of this orientation is the lack of direct sunlight in the afternoon and evening, which can make the backyard cooler and less enjoyable. It may also affect the growth of plants that need full sun or warmer temperatures. However, it can be ideal for shade-loving plants with beautiful foliage. Another concern is moisture retention in gardens located in the Northern Hemisphere. Limited sunlight can lead to mould and mildew issues, so proper drainage and ventilation are essential for a healthy lawn environment.

An east-facing plot may be better if you use your back plot in the afternoon or evening. However, it receives less sunlight and can limit outdoor activities. To overcome these challenges and maximise your outdoor space, implement top tips for choosing the right plants and appropriate gardening techniques.

Could Too Much Shade be an Issue in an East Facing Garden?

Excessive shade can pose challenges in an east- or west-facing backyard, such as an east facing garden means that the park receives morning sun and afternoon shade. To address this in a west-facing garden, opt for shade-tolerant plants or movable containers to follow the sunlight. Pruning trees and shrubs can allow more sunlight to reach the plot. Reflective surfaces like mirrors or white walls help bounce light into shadier areas, making growing plants in a west-facing garden easier.

How Does an East Facing Garden Compare to a North Facing Garden?

An east backyard plot offers more sunlight in the morning and shade in the late afternoon, making it an ideal aspect of your lawn for early birds who enjoy warm temperatures. In contrast, a north facing garden receives less direct sunlight, making it suitable for plants that prefer shade or cooler temperatures. If you’re looking for a backyard with plenty of sun, consider a bright back lawn facing east with beautiful clematis climbing up the trellis.

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Is Missing Out on Evening Sun a Major Concern?

Missing out on the early evening sun may or may not be a significant concern. It ultimately depends on your preferences and how you plan to use your plot space. For enjoying plenty of time outdoors in the evening, consider adding lighting or heating elements to extend usability. However, embrace the morning sun and plan activities earlier. Missing out on the early evening sun may not be a significant issue.

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Making the Most of Your East Facing Garden UK: Practical APP Ideas

  1. Consider these practical ideas.
  2. Take advantage of the morning sunlight by planting sun-loving plants and vegetables.
  3. Design your backyard plot to create a natural flow from east to west, utilising the sunlight as it moves throughout the day.
  4. Incorporate shade elements such as trees or pergolas to provide relief from the afternoon sun.
  5. Use raised beds or containers to maximise limited space and improve drainage.

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What Plants Thrive Best in an East Facing Garden?

Plants flourishing in a sunny backyard can withstand morning sunlight and afternoon shade. Popular choices include hostas, ferns, bleeding hearts, and astilbes. For colourful blooms, consider impatiens, primroses, or valley lilies. Vegetables like lettuce, spinach, and kale can also thrive in an east-facing outdoor space with plants and flowers.

Does an East-Facing Garden Influence Property Value?

An east-facing garden can impact the value of your property in the UK. With more sunlight in the morning, these gardens are desirable for outdoor activities and Home gardening ideas. They also appeal to those who work from home and seek a sunny workspace in the mornings. When it comes to making the most of your east facing garden in the UK, there are a few practical ideas that you can consider. First and foremost, take advantage of the morning sunlight by planting sun-loving plants and vegetables.

How To Enhance An East Facing Garden Sun to Boost Property Value?

Enhance the value of your property by planting suitable trees and shrubs like magnolias and camellias. Create a patio or seating area to take advantage of the morning sun position. Add lighting for a warm atmosphere at night. Consider adding a water feature for tranquility. In an east-facing garden, the sun plays a crucial role in determining what plants thrive best and how it can impact the value of your property. In an east-facing garden, the morning sunlight can work wonders for both plants and property value. By choosing the right plants that can handle the morning sun and afternoon shade, you can create a thriving garden facing oasis. Hostas, ferns, bleeding hearts, and astilbes are popular choices that will flourish in these conditions.


An east-facing garden in the UK offers several benefits, such as early morning sun and cooler temperatures in the afternoon. You make it an ideal spot for growing certain plants and creating a beautiful outdoor space. However, it’s essential to consider potential drawbacks, such as limited evening sun and potential issues with shade. To make the most of your east facing garden, choose plants that thrive in this environment and enhance its value by adding attractive features like a seating area or a vegetable garden. Share your ideas and experiences with others by sharing this blog on social media.

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