black circles

Black Circles: Causes & Home Remedies

When you are ready to start your day, but as soon as you look in the mirror, those pesky dark circles under your eyes dampen your mood. Black circles are a common problem faced by many people in the UK. Various factors, including age, genetics, lifestyle choices, medical conditions, and environmental factors can cause them. We’ll also understand and share some home remedies to help you naturally combat these circles. So, if you’re tired of wearing concealer every day or trying to hide behind sunglasses, read on to learn more about how to get rid of sable patch curls around the eye and start feeling confident again for cosmetic reasons.

More Winter home remedies 

Understanding Black Patch Under the Eyes

Lack of sleep, lifestyle factors like smoking and dehydration, hyperpigmentation, allergies, and ageing can all form dusky patchy curls under the eyes. Not getting 8 hours of sleep and lifestyle choices such as smoking and dehydration can also cause them. Hyperpigmentation around the eye area is another possible cause. Additionally, allergies and ageing can also trigger the appearance of dusky curls.

Who is Mostly Affected by Black Circles?

People with a family history of dusky curls are at a higher risk. Certain medical conditions, such as anaemia, can also contribute to the appearance of black patch. Additionally, hormonal changes, for example, pregnancy, can lead to the formation of dark curly patch.

Unveiling the Causes of Sable Curls

Melanin, the pigment in the skin, plays a role in their development. Additionally, tear troughs or hollow areas under the eyes can cast shadows and contribute to patchy curls. Blood vessels near the skin’s surface may create a bluish tint, further intensifying black processes. Fatigue and stress can dilate blood vessels under the eyes, resulting in patchy eyes. Furthermore, certain medications and medical treatments might have patchy curls as a side effect. To assess POH, a doctor will typically perform a few tests, which might include: a physical and medical history examination, an eyelid stretch test or slit lamp exam, and Wood’s lamp examination, which is known to determine bacterial or fungal infections, skin pigmentation disorders, or corneal abrasions.

Learn more about black circles.

Role of Age and Genetics in Black Circles

The ageing process naturally causes the skin to thin, leading to the development of dark curly patch. Genetics can play a role in determining the thickness of the skin and the presence of pigmentation, influencing the likelihood of black curls. Inherited conditions like periorbital hyperpigmentation can cause persistent patchy eyes. Additionally, as we age, the loss of fat and collagen can make the blood vessels under the eyes more visible, contributing to black circles. Genetic factors can also affect the distribution of melanin in the skin, influencing the appearance of patchy curls.

Insufficient sleep can cause blood vessels under the eyes to dilate, resulting in patchy curls. Dehydration can make the skin dull and accentuate the dusky patch. Fatigue can lead to a paler complexion and poor sleep quality, and dehydration can worsen water retention and puffiness around the eyes, exacerbating the appearance of dark circles.

The Impact of Lifestyle Factors on Black Circles

Smoking and excessive alcohol consumption can restrict blood flow by blocking the veins and oxygen supply to the skin, leading to dark circles. A diet lacking essential nutrients like vitamin C can affect the skin’s health and appearance, including dark circles. Chronic stress can disrupt sleep patterns and increase the likelihood of developing dark circles. Additionally, sun exposure without protection can accelerate the breaking of collagen and elastin in the skin, contributing to the formation of dark circles.

Can Medical Conditions like Anemia Cause Black Circles?

Anaemia, a condition where red blood cells or haemoglobin decrease, can lead to dark curly patch under the eyes due to insufficient oxygen supply. Thyroid disorders, allergic rhinitis, chronic kidney disease, and autoimmune diseases like lupus can also contribute to the appearance of dark circles.

The Influence of Environmental Factors

Overexposure to the sun’s UV rays can increase melanin production, darkening the skin and potentially causing sable patches. Harsh weather conditions like cold and wind can dehydrate the skin, making dark circles more pronounced. Air pollution introduces free radicals, leading to oxidative stress and collagen breakdown, contributing to dark circle development. High workplace or personal stress levels affect sleep, diet, and overall well-being, potentially leading to dark circles. Excessive use of electronic devices strains the eyes and disrupts sleep patterns, exacerbating dark circles appearance.

How to check for symptoms

The Effect of Sun Overexposure on the Appearance of Black Circles

Prolonged sun exposure without adequate protection triggers melanin production, leading to hyperpigmentation and dark circles. Direct UV radiation is one of the main reasons for breaking down the collagen and elastin fibres, causing thinning and making blood vessels under the eyes more visible. Sun damage also leads to wrinkles and fine lines, casting shadows and making dark circles appear more prominent. Protection against sun exposure helps prevent dusky patches caused by UV damage.

How Do Allergies Contribute to Black Circles?

The inflammation and congestion caused by allergic reactions can be a vital reason for increased blood flow and blood vessel dilation, resulting in dark curls. Rubbing itchy skin around the eyes due to allergies can also worsen the appearance. Additionally, allergies can disrupt sleep patterns and cause fatigue, making dark circles more noticeable. Specific allergens may trigger histamine release, leading to fluid retention and puffiness around the eyes, accentuating the appearance of dark circles. Nasal congestion and inflammation can also affect the oxygenation of tissues in the under-eye area, potentially contributing to the development of black curls.

Home Remedies to Combat Black Curls

Apply cold tea bags to soothe and reduce puffiness to combat dusky patches. Another option is using vitamin C serums to brighten and even out skin tone. Getting enough sleep is also essential in preventing dark patches from forming. Keeping the eye area hydrated using moisturizing creams can reduce swelling, help combat black patches, and reduce puffy eyelids.

Combat the curls with a cool mask.

Importance of Hydration and Sleep in Reducing Black Patches

Proper hydration can plump up the skin, reducing the appearance of dark curls. Sleeping for 8 hours allows the body to repair and rejuvenate, minimizing its presence. Dehydration can accentuate the appearance of dark patchy eyes, while lack of sleep can make blood vessels more visible. Adequate hydration and sleep contribute to overall skin health and brightness.

Dietary Changes to Help Alleviate Black Circles

To alleviate black patches incorporating dietary changes can be beneficial. Consuming antioxidant-rich foods like berries and leafy greens can help reduce dark patches. Including foods high in vitamin K, such as kale and spinach, can improve blood circulation and diminish the visibility of black curls. Avoiding excessive caffeine and alcohol intake is essential, as they can cause dehydration and make dark patches more prominent. Increasing collagen-rich foods, like citrus fruits and bone broth, can strengthen the skin and minimize the appearance of black curls. Incorporating omega-3 fatty acids in walnuts and fatty fish can promote healthy skin and help reduce dark under eye curls.

Use Vitamin-e-oil 

When Should You Consult a Doctor for Black Patches?

Medical advice is essential if your dark eye patches swell or feel painful. If home remedies and lifestyle changes don’t improve the condition, consulting a doctor may be necessary. A doctor can determine if there are underlying causes and recommend appropriate treatment options.

Are Medical Treatments Available for Black Circles?

Fillers can reduce their appearance by filling in hollow areas, while laser therapy targets pigmentation and stimulates collagen production. Chemical peels exfoliate the skin and reduce hyperpigmentation, and topical creams with retinol or hydroquinone can lighten dark dusky patches over time. Non-surgical procedures like radiofrequency or ultrasound treatments also stimulate collagen production to improve their appearance.

How Can Dark Patches Be Prevented?

Preventing dark curls requires protecting the delicate eye from sun damage, avoiding rubbing or pulling at the skin, maintaining a healthy lifestyle with a balanced diet and sleep, managing allergies, and using gentle skincare products.


To conclude, black circles can be caused under the eyes by various factors, including genetics, lifestyle choices, and environmental influences. While home remedies such as staying hydrated, getting enough sleep, and making dietary changes can help alleviate the appearance of black patches, it’s essential to know when to consult a doctor for further evaluation and possible medical treatments. Everyone’s experience with black processes may vary, so finding what works best for you is crucial. Please comment below if you have any questions or want to share your experiences and tips. We’d love to hear from you!

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