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Growing Coriander Seeds for Planting in Uk

Growing Coriander Seeds for Planting

Have you ever thought about growing coriander at home? It’s easier than you think! Chinese parsley adds a unique flavour to many dishes and is an essential ingredient in Indian, Thai, and Mexican cuisine. This post will walk you through the five easy steps to turn coriander seeds into fresh cilantro leaves in no time. We will discuss everything from choosing high-quality coriander seeds to preparing the soil for plantation and nurturing the plant with proper watering and sunlight. We will also provide tips on when and how to harvest cilantro recipes and storage techniques. If you’re new to gardening or just looking for an exciting project, read on to learn how to grow fresh coriander indoors.

Growing Coriander Seeds Indoors

Coriander, a versatile herb used in cuisines worldwide, offers both flavour and freshness. Its leaves, known as cilantro, are popular in salads and as a garnish, while the dried seeds add a distinct spice. The beauty of cilantro is that it can be quickly grown at home, ensuring a constant supply of fresh leaves and sources for your dishes. You can enjoy its flavours and aroma whenever needed by mastering the basics of cilantro cultivation.

READ FOR HERBS and Spices:

Growing Coriander Seeds in Pots

Growing coriander in pots is ideal for limited spaces. Here are vital tips:

  • Choose at least 6-8 inches deep pestle with drainage holes.
  • Use well-draining soil enriched with organic matter like organic compost (read for more info) or aged manure.
  • Select high-quality feed coriander seeds for better germination.
  • Re-sow coriander seeds directly into the pot, spacing them about 1 inch away. Cover with a thin layer of moist soil and gently pat down. Thoroughly water after sowing for germination of fresh Chinese parsley leaves.
  • Place your pot where it gets at least 6 hours of direct sunlight daily. Young plants prefer little shade, ideally somewhere between 15°C to 24°C.
  • Keep the soil moist but not soggy. Overwatering can make root rot, while underwatering can lead to bolting.

How to Sow Coriander Seeds

To grow cilantro indoors in the UK year-round, follow these tips:

  • Choose a sunny spot: Place the Chinese parsley pot near a south-facing window for at least 6 hours of sunlight daily.
  • Use well-draining soil: Use quality potting mix with perlite or sand for better drainage.
  • Start with quality seeds: Select high-quality cilantro pips for better germination.
  • Sow seeds properly: Sowing cilantro pip directly into the pot, spacing them 1 inch apart. Lightly cover with soil and water thoroughly.
  • Provide consistent moisture: Water when the top inch of soil feels dry to keep it moist. Avoid overwatering to prevent root rot.
  • Maintain proper temperature and humidity: Chinese parsley thrives in temperatures between 15°C to 24°C.

Coriander Growing Conditions

  • Choose a 6-8 inch deep pot with drainage holes.
  • Use well-drained soil enriched with organic matter.
  • Select high-quality cilantro kernels for better germination.
  • Plant pips 1 inch apart, gently pressing coriander seeds ground and lightly covering them with a thin layer of soil.
  • Water properly: Keep the soil consistently moist, but avoid overwatering. Cilantro prefers slightly drier conditions, and excessive moisture can cause root rot. Water when the top inch of soil is dry to ensure proper growth.
  • Provide adequate sunlight: Cilantro thrives in full sun, so place your pot in a location that gets 6-8 hours of direct sunlight daily. If growing indoors, use grow lights to supplement natural sunlight.

Get quality pestle:

What is Cilantro in English? (Coriandrum Sativum)

Cilantro is the common English name for coriander leaves. In many cuisines, cilantro is used as a herb to add flavour and aroma to various dishes. Its vibrant green leaves are known for their fresh and citrusy taste, making them a popular addition to salads, salsas, curries, and other culinary creations.

Know more about cilantro in detail:

Is coriander the same as cilantro?

Yes, coriander and cilantro are interchangeably the same to refer to the same plant. Cilantro refers to the entire plant, including the leaves (cilantro) and the kernels. However, in some regions, cilantro is specifically the leaves of the cilantro plant. So, while they may have slightly different connotations depending on where you are, they generally refer to the same herb.

When to Sow Coriander Seeds UK?

Cilantro typically takes about 3-4 weeks to grow from seed to harvest. However, the exact time is difficult because seed growth can vary depending on temperature, soil conditions, and sunlight. Providing adequate care and maintenance during this time can achieve healthy foliage and a bountiful harvest.

Harvesting Coriander Seeds in Autumn or Late Spring

  •  Wait for the cilantro plant to bloom: After about a couple of weeks of growing coriander, the cilantro plant will produce small, white flowers. These flowers will eventually turn into seedlings.
  • Monitor seed development: As the flowers fade, tiny green round seeds will start to form. You can leave the kernels on the plant until they turn brown and dry out.
  • Cut off seed heads: Once the kernels have turned brown and are dry, use pruning shears to cut off the pip heads. Collect all the seed heads in the bottom of the bag or a clean container.
  • Remove the seeds: Gently rub the seed heads between your hands to separate the cilantro seeds from the plant material. The kernels will be small, round, and brown.
  • Store the seeds: Transfer the harvested cilantro pip inside an airtight container or a resealable bag. Make sure to label them with the date of harvest for future reference.

Different Types Of Coriander Seeds for Planting Seedlings

There are several different types of cilantro kernels available for planting. Some popular varieties include:

  •  Santo Coriander Seeds: These pips produce compact plants ideal for container gardening. The leaves have a strong flavour and are perfect for culinary use.
  • Slow Bolt Coriander Seeds: As the name suggests, this variety is known for its slow bolting characteristics, meaning it takes longer to go to full size seed. It allows for a more extended harvest period and prevents premature flowering.
  •  Indian Summer Coriander Seeds: This variety thrives in warm climates and produces large, slight lemony flavour leaves commonly used in Asian cooking. It is well-suited for outdoor garden beds or larger containers.
  • Leisure Coriander Seeds: This variety is known for its vigorous growth and resistance to bolting. It produces abundant aromatic leaves, making it a favourite choice for home gardeners and commercial growers.

Lush Coriander Seeds for Planting New Leaves for Continual Supply

When it comes to growing cilantro, one crucial step is collecting and storing the kernels and keeping it in dry place for future use. After your Chinese parsley plants have produced pip heads, it’s time to gather the re-sow seeds. You can place the seed heads in a paper bag or clean container to allow the roots to fall out as they dry. Once you have collected the seed heads, gently rub them between your hands to separate the cilantro seeds from the plant material. The dry seeds will be small, round, and brown. Take your time and remove any debris for a constant supply of leaves.

When and How to Harvest Coriander Plant Seeds?

To harvest Chinese parsley:

  • Pluck the young and tender leaves for the best flavour.
  • Cut the plant leaves from the outer edges, allowing the centre to grow.
  • Harvest cilantro pip when they turn brown and start falling off.
  • Dry the seeds by hanging the stalks upside down in a paper bag.

How to Care Growing Coriander from Slugs and Snails?

  • Create a barrier: Surround your heads with the Chinese parsley plants with sharp materials like crushed eggshells or diatomaceous earth to deter slugs and snails from crawling onto them.
  • Use organic slug repellents: Sprinkle coffee grounds or copper tape around the base of your Chinese parsley plants, as these can act as natural deterrents for slugs and snails.
  • Companion planting: Planting garlic, onions, or chives near your chinese parsley can help repel slugs and snails due to their strong odour. Chinese parsley, a favourite choice for home gardeners and commercial growers, offers a delightful addition to any Asian dishes, stews and Mediterranean food to add distinct flavours. 


In conclusion, growing coriander at home is an easy and rewarding process that can enhance the flavour of your dishes. These simple steps can help you quickly turn coriander seeds into flourishing planting flowers. Remember to choose high-quality sources and prepare the soil properly for optimal growth. Sow the seeds effectively and provide adequate water and sunlight to nurture the Chinese parsley plants. Harvest them quickly and learn different storage techniques to maximise your homegrown Chinese parsley. If you encounter any queries, kindly ask us in the comment section below and share your success on social media to inspire others to try growing coriander at home, too.

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